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发布时间:2021-03-07 12:55:04

1. 求英语情景对话,关于学习英语期间的收获的

J:Hey,Elisa,how are you?属
E:Fine,thanks.How about you?
J:I am OK,today I'd like to ask you some questions.
E:Yep,what kind of questions do you want to ask?
J:Well,I've been learning English recently,and I got

2. 用英语说说在中国学习的收获60词

knowledge, so far as they were possib

3. 大家学习英语以来收获了些什么

语言的作用是表达,是说,不管会了多少语法,多少词汇,说不出口也是白搭版。在speaking 这方面权,华尔街做的很好,它给学员提供一个让你不得不说英语,不得不用英语思维去思考表达的环境。学了一段时间,并且多多参

4. 流利说英语学习能取得哪些收获

在发音上,因为自身口语基础很糟糕,很多单词发音是错误的,有些错误甚至之前自己都没有认识到。加上个人口音问题,经常音标里的 i,I, r, l 分不清(据说很多中国学生读不好英语音标里的 l )。不怕各位见笑,brilliant,million,billion这种字母l,i,n,r混在一块地,对我来说就很难读准。



5. 暑假里学习英语的收获,英语作文,500词

study english in summer

These female cheng feng, each student is the common aspiration parents. In the interview, the reporter found that parents give choice for children, the main reason is under cram school entrance examination system and the current pressure. The natural love of children playing in all kinds of classes, not a helpless parents choose!

"Now, children learn entrance pressure was really tired, peacetime class is hard to let them go to cram school ring the summer, the all-round development of children." A school of zhengzhou wang very distressed himself on the daughter of junior high school, she says, the child should use holiday reading books, like a full head, learn how to work, how to behave. At the same time, parents should consciously make children "experience" labor, such as cleaning, and wash his clothes, and when the newsboy etc. If the condition allows, still can take children to places of interest, most of the mountains, let the child contact the society and the horizon, some open extracurricular knowledge.

Work in the government's Mr. Peng said: "I don't approve of cram school children summer. If the child newspaper usually have with the teacher carefully in class learning tasks completed, with just like carrying coals to Newcastle, still be inferior to using the holiday to children than some of the physical and mental health, and positive, cultivate children all aspects of interest, develop their potential. Endless makeup, learning, it will only let children to learn, also not boredom psychological diathesis ecation pursuit of the goal."

A man surnamed liu's parents say: "in fact, I also know that summer is not much makeup effect, let children take rest, but see other children summer vacation busy tutorial, we do parents really guilty, afraid of children with learning school, after the cram school, also be bought a mind dependable." It also represents a significant part of parents, knowing the cram school holidays, but also did little to fill, solid a zoology-designing changing.

Besides the above mentioned, xiao li attended "I came to Beijing to go to university study after summer camp, very happy. "Love is the nature of the child play after all, let children learning can be found, the key is to let the children learn happily, fun. Only in this way, children can learn the knowledge in real, heart, also can grow happily." Xiao li's father said, this summer, the child fruitfully, also very happy. The biggest harvest of summer, the children always mention "I came to Beijing to go to university" explanding the camp. Especially the whole brain training course, let children benefited. "Just one day the whole brain training, I learned to listen, learn Thanksgiving, self-confidence and more stronger than before..." This is my child, I wish to inspire the students' parents more.

There is a saying: attitude decides everything. Therefore, parents hope their children to friends on fulrank objectively correctly for their growth. Don't because of his blind, let the child truly belongs to lose their own space. To take a little better, for their children much consideration, lets the child some life experience, fewer score low-energy, Some more, some less pure and innocent, More care and compassion, less demanding and picky.

6. 学习收获怎么用英语说

如果这里是个名词短语:gains from learning
也可以表达成句子:Learning is a rewarding experience.

7. 你是怎样学习英语的,说一说你的收获和感悟





8. 用英语写一篇学习感想

桔子?你说的是orange这个桔子么?- - 我姑且发散下思维 给你联系了一下。一楼那个是谷歌翻译的,错误很多,我才回答的,不想误导你。

A transformation from green orange to yellow orange

Due to many reasons. I participated in the alt examination. Also I have to face those subjects which i hate very much. Including English. I was a completely English blind person. When i was in my school, i can not use it. At that time, i like a green orange. These years i just konw the words. Now the half year has passed. Although I haven't learned much, it is still a harvest. And so classmates and i find a sense of learning. Also can force myself to remember some things. i am very envious of my english teacher. she is very good at speaking English. i Hope I can also improve my english standard with my classmates.finally , i succeed in promoting my english. i become a yellow orange now, it means maturity.


9. 收获怎么用英文说。


10. 英语学习收获英文版论文

" "OK!" "Now, Zhou Hua, please." Zhou Hua answered in a lowvoice, "I am like hamburgers, so I often eat hamburgers." We all laughed. "What? Do you look like hamburgers? I don't think so! I know you mean that you like eating hamburgers. But your sentence was wrong. You can't use 'any', we know 'like' here is a preposition. 'be like' means '像……',however, 'like' used as a verb, means '喜欢'. Now you should say, I like eating hamburgers. Do you understand?" That was an interesting class. I remembered something about the word. It's great fun to learn English. I thank Miss Yang very much. (第二篇)享受学习英语的乐趣 在“我和你,心连心,同住地球村”的今天,英语早已成为我们生活中不可或缺的一部分。我们每一个人,都必须尽自己最大的努力去学习英语,掌握英语,也只有熟练地掌握了英语,我们也才能更加自由自信地去拥抱这个绚丽多姿的世界,放飞我们的梦想。因此,一直有越来越多的朋友希望我能为大家提供一些学习英语的方法和技巧。英语是我的专业,更是我的爱好,在学习英语的路上,我和大家一样,也是在不断探索不断前进。在这里我只是把自己在与英语亲密接触后的一些心得体会毫无保留地告诉所有的朋友们,希望能对大家有所帮助。 对于每个刚刚步入课堂的孩子来说,培养学习兴趣是最重要的,尤其是英语作为一门语言,与数学物理那样的学科不同,需要更多地在日常的使用中不断提高和巩固学习的内容。因此,我认为小学时的英语课堂上应当处处洋溢着欢声笑语,充满乐趣。通过在英语课堂上放一些英语儿歌,或是一些英文原版动画片,能够让这些刚刚推开英语宝库之门的懵懂好奇的孩子在欣赏与放松中首先充分领略英语的美好与魅力。自然而然地,他们的注意力都会在那些优美的旋律和有趣的故事情节之外也被这门奇妙的语言所吸引,在一步步拉近与英语的距离的过程中,也让每一个孩子的英语学习变得更加轻松与快乐。但九层之台,起于垒土,搭建英语这座大厦也需要稳固的地基,从学习英语的第一天起,我们就一定要培养起良好的学习习惯,坚持单词记忆,不断扩大词汇量,脚踏实地,点滴积累,这样才能最终让属于自己的英语大厦高耸入云。 进入中学时代后,英语的学习任务和学习难度都会增大,我们也必须端正态度认认真真地对待。英语学习是一段非常需要持之以恒的耐心与毅力的慢慢征途,从纠正发音到背单词,从背单词到学写简单的句子,从简单的句子到短小的段落,再从短小的段落到一篇流畅的文章……每一个脚印都必须踏踏实实地迈好,每一个环节都至关重要,不能有丝毫的放松和懈怠。 我们每一个人都应当给自己制定详细的英语学习计划:比如坚持每天上课认真记课堂笔记,晚上回家首先写英语作业;坚持每天迎着朝阳早早起床朗读英语课文、背诵单词,晚上临睡前听听英语磁带,伴着耳边的美妙英文进入梦乡;坚持把单词抄在小本子上,每天在往返于学校和家之间的路途中一有空就捧在手里背一背……虽然的确需要我们付出极大的艰辛和努力,但我相信,在英语这片土地上,我们洒下的每一滴汗水都会最终收获丰硕的果实。 当然,学习英语努力固然重要,但是也必须掌握正确的学习方法。举例说来,背单词,死记硬背只能勉强收到一时的效果,随着时间的推移必然会逐渐淡忘,成效甚微。记单词的关键是要学好音标,掌握音标的规则之后记忆单词就变成了一件简单有效的事情了。同时,要掌握新学的句型和语法,一个极其有效的好方法就是坚持记英文日记,这样既能对当天学习的句型和单词加以运用,又能不断培养和提高英语的写作能力。至于听力,只听课文是远远不够的,平时可以经常听一听英语广播,那里面精彩有趣的英语故事不仅可以锻炼我们的英语听力,还可以让我们学习到一些课本以外的知识……只要掌握了学习的窍门,就可以轻松而愉快地学习英语,达到事半功倍的效果。 同时,滴水穿石的恒心和毅力是学习任何学科都必不可少的,英语更是如此。与数学相比,英语作为一门语言更加需要我们在平时的点滴积累中逐渐提高学习能力。所以,千里之行,始于足下,每天的点滴积累对于英语学习自然是至关重要的。直至现在我都非常庆幸自己在一开始就养成了每天早上晨读和背单词的好习惯。每天清晨,迎着微风,在朝阳灿烂的光晖中用美妙的英文开始自己崭新的一天,这对我而言是一件何其幸福与快乐的事情啊。时光荏苒,走出校园的我依然没有放弃这份坚持,只要一有机会,我就一定会将清晨的美好时光献给我挚爱的英语,感受那份发自内心的学习的愉悦。现在英语已经成为了我珍爱的宝物,它融入了我的生活,融入了我的生命,也将伴我走过脚下的漫漫人生路。让我们共同迈向轻松愉悦的英语之旅,尽情享受英语学习的快乐吧



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