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Ⅰ 《2019年新疆维吾尔自治区面向社会公开招聘中小学和幼儿园教师专业目录》在哪个网站能打开呢

历史编辑 控制东汉王朝 [8] 。地方州郡长官在反董卓战争及后来的相互攻伐中逐渐壮大实力,形成了地方军阀割据 [9-11] 。

Ⅱ 2015年新疆维吾尔自治区新疆生产建设兵团中小学教师计算机技术水平考试成绩查询


Ⅲ www新疆中小学教师2015下半年.计算机水平考试成绩查询


Ⅳ 2016新疆自治区中小学教师信息技术应用能力提升培训网址


Ⅳ 新疆中小学教师专业基础知识水平测试卷(小学英语)


姓名 分数



⑴“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆”的学思结合思想最早出自( )。

A.《学记》 B.《论语》 C.《孟子》 D.《中庸》

⑵教师的根本任务是( )

A.教书 B.育人 C.教书育人 D.带好班级

⑶对小学生的舆论起主要导向作用的是( )。

A.班干部 B.教师 C.学生自身 D.学生领袖

⑷马斯洛需要层次论中的最高层次需要是( )

A、生理与安全需要 B、社交与尊重需要

C、求知与审美需要 D、自我实现需要

⑸马克思认为,人的劳动能力是( )的总和。

A.知识与能力 B.智力与能力

C.体力与智力 D.体力与能力


名 字
主 要 教 育 思 想
他 (她) 的 教 育 名 言



⑴新课程强调教学过程是师生交往,共同发展的互动过程。 ( )

⑵听、说、读、写是学习和运用语言必备的四项语言基本技能。 ( )

⑶小学阶段英语教学的重点应放在听、说训练上。 ( )

⑷归纳总结语言知识或语言规则,对小学生的英语学习没有多大的帮助。( )

⑸英语基本能力、信息意识与能力已经成为当代公民的必备素质。 ( )

⑹英语课程在目标设定、教学过程、课程评价和教学资源的开发等方面都突出以教师为主体的思想。 ( )





[一] 单项选择(共15小题,计15分) 从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的答案填空。

1. Jack ______ the book Harry Porter. It’s funny.

A. have B. don’t have C. has

2. You look much ______ than before.

A. fine B. better C. best

3. The boy is good ______ making kites silk.

A. in, for B. on, by C. at, with

4. — Sally, where are you? ____ friends are here.

— I’m at the study. I’m coming.

A. Your B. Their C. Mine

5. My grandparents are ______ .

A. Australia B. Australian C. Australians

6. Stop ________, please. I have some good news for you.

A. talk B. to talk C. talking

7. — Which sweater do you want?

—I want _______.

A. it B. the green one C. one

8. — ______ you answer me these questions in English?

— Sorry. I’m afraid they are too difficult for me.

A. Can B. May C. Must

9. The box is too heavy. Please come and help me ______ it to the classroom.

A. take B. bring C. get

10. — ________do you go to Beijing?

— By plane.

A. How B. What C. Why

11. Think hard, ______ you’ll have a good idea.

A. and B. but C. so

12. — It’s too warm in the room.

— You’d better______ your coat.

A. take off B. put on C. pick up

13. There______ a football game between Italy and China tomorrow.

A. will have B. is going to be C. is having

14. —______ , Bill?

— It’s June, 22nd.

A. What day is it today B. What’s the time now

C. What’s the date today

15. — ______ they visit the museum last Friday?

— No. They had to have classes.

A. Were B. Had C. Did

[二] 书面表达 英汉互译( 共10小题,计20分) 根据所提供的英、汉句子进行翻译。

1. 刘强家有5口人,他最小。

2. 课堂上不要吃东西。

3. 夏天,我们村里的孩子们经常去河里游泳。

4. 张靓打算象徐静蕾一样当个电影明星。

5. 在我生日那天我叔叔给我买了一本英汉词典。

6. The Great Wall is about six thousand seven hundred kilometers.

7. In October 2003, Shenzhou V flew into space with YangLiwei.

8. We’re going to go to Hainan tomorrow.

9. Daming had two watermelons yesterday , so today he’s got a stomachache.

10. My school starts at nine o’clock.




Mrs. Brown lived in a small town near a big farm. One Friday afternoon af-ter she finished her housework, she went to her small shop. She opened the window of the shop and looked outside. She liked to see the green farm. There were many cows, horses and small animals on the farm. Suddenly she saw a kangaroo under her window. It was interesting to see that it was wearing an old jacket.It stood there and looked hungry. Mrs. Brown gave some bread andwater to it. The kangaroo ate them all. Then it became happy and jumped away. Sudd-enly something dropped on the floor from its jacket pocket. It was a wallet! She picked it up, opened and found there were $300 and a photo in it. That

was a man’s photo with his name “John” on it. John? She looked more carefully and remembered she had a brother many years ago. His name was also John. “Is this man my lost brother?” she thought. She took the wallet with her and began to look for the man. She asked many people in the town, and then she

came to the farm and asked the farmer. To her great surprise, it was John,

her lost brother. They were very excited and happy to see each other.

1. From the text we know Mrs. Brown liked ________.

A. shopping B. seeing the green farm C. kangaroos

2. What was interesting about the kangaroo?

A. It was wearing an old jacket. B. It looked very hungry. C. It was very clever.

3. The kangaroo dropped _________ when it jumped away.

A. the old jacket B. some bread C. a wallet

4. Mrs. Brown felt a bit surprised when she saw the ________.

A. money B. photo C. kangaroo

5. Mrs. Brown decided to look for the man most probably because she ________.

A. was helpful and kind-hearted B. wanted to return the lost things to the owner C. wondered if the man was her brother


Imagine this scene (情景). Jennifer is eighteen years old. Tom is her boy-friend, and Jennifer and Tom like each other a lot. But one day Jennifer seesTom talking to another girl. They are smiling and having a good time.Jennifercan’t believe her eyes. She begins to get mad. That night, she calls Tom

and says, “Who was that girl you were talking with today?” “What girl?” Tom asks.

“I saw you talking with a girl on the street.”“Oh, that was Laura.She’s my next-door neighbor.”

Jennifer doesn’t believe Tom. She’s very angry. She says, “I never want to see you again,” and hangs up the phone. It’s the green-eyed monster. Jen-nifer is jealous.

Now picture a second scene. Mark is in his forties.He’s good friends with Joe, and they do a lot of things together. They both work in an office. One

day, Mark hears Joe inviting Bill, another workmate, to play cards with him that night. Mark is hurt. “Why didn’t Joe invite me to play cards?” Mark th-inks. “Joe and I are best friends.” The green-eyed monster is here again.

Mark is jealous.

Is jealous normal (正常)? Probably. Is it good? Not usually. It’s easy to become jealous, but it’s hard to solve (解决)the problems that jealous causes.Jealousy can hurt friendship. Maybe the best thing to do when we’re feeling

jealous is just to tell the green-eyed monster to leave.

1. Jennifer was angry with Tom because he ________.

A. doesn’t love her as much as before

B. hangs the phone before she can explain

C. smiles and talks to another girl

2. From the second story, we know that ________.

A. Mark and Bill are good friends

B. Joe doesn’t want to play cards with Mark

C. Mark, Joe and Bill are workmates

3. When we feel jealous of other people, we feel _______ them.

A. angry with B. sorry for C. pleased with

4. The green monster is ________.

A. a terrible real monster B. a bad feeling we have C. very helpful

5. The author tells us that jealousy ________.

A. is nothing serious B. can cause problems C. can make people happy


在教学《新标准英语》某册Unit1 ,Mole6中,甲老师教学新单词good, better, worse时,直接把单词写在黑板上一遍一遍地教读之后,让学生把三个单词一一读出来;乙老师则先让学生分组唱歌比赛,然后给学生进行评析,唱得好的给good,较好的给better,较差的是worse.这样在进行第二遍比赛的时候,学生就自然会读并且会用这三个单词了.



Ⅵ 新疆维吾尔自治区中小学教师计算机考试报名网址


Ⅶ 新疆中小学教师专业基础知识水平测试成绩查询

成绩还有7——8 天后才出来,可能网上不能查询,只是当地教育部门给每个学校提供。

Ⅷ 2014年中小学数学新疆特岗教师中招聘考试试卷和答案




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