㈠ 基督教学习班结业学生代表发言稿我是一名学习班的学员在结业典礼上要代表学生发言讲话。
Hey ,welcome to my fruit store.We provide a lot of fresh fruits .They are cheep and taste good,most of all they are very fresh.
OK,let me introice some of my fruits .Have you ever heard the old saying?Eat an apple a day keeps the doctor away.The big apple is 6 yuan per kilo and its on sale now 20% off .Eat aoranges are good for your health .There is a lot of vitamin C in the orange and its cheep 30% on discount per kilo only caots you 4.5 yuan.Bananas are 5yuan per kilo and 8.5% on discount.there comes the pears only 4.8yuan you can have a kilogram and cut down on 6.5%.
Hey ,my favourite fruit is watermalon its yummy.Only 9yuan a kilo and its also on sale .you only pay 85% of the original prise.Last but not least the grapes only 8yuan a kilo and 30% on discount .
So many fruits in my store which do you like best?
㈡ 求主持串词一个为期5天的全脑培训班结业典礼主持词 其中包含文艺汇演有感恩类的节目还有小品独唱合唱舞蹈
㈢ 预备党员培训班结业典礼讲话