Ⅰ 為啥一些大醫院喜歡全英文查房呢有這個必要嗎
Ⅱ 五星級酒店店員英語作文查房發現丟失東西
Ⅲ 酒店收銀員日常英語
Ⅳ 誰有社會熱點的英語詞彙
豬流感swine flu
金融危機:finacial crisis
公平、公開 just, fair and open 好萊塢大片 Hollywood blockbuster 黃金時段 prime time 假唱 lip-synch 勁射 power shot 拉拉隊 cheering squad 來電顯示電話機 caller ID telephone 論文答辯 (thesis) oral defense 泡沫經濟 bubble economy 票販子 scalper, ticket tout 拳頭產品 competitive procts; knockout procts; blockbuster 三角戀愛 love triangle 三 維 動 畫 片 three-dimensional animation "掃黃打非" eliminate pornography and illegal publications 申辦奧運會 bid for the Olympic Games 實現中華民偉大復興 bring about a great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation 市場疲軟 sluggish market 素質教育 ecation for all-around development 筒子樓: tube-shaped apartment 脫貧致富 cast (shake, throw) off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity 網吧 Internet bar 網戀 online love affair 網上沖浪 surf the Internet 網上交易平台 online trading platform 網友 net friend 無人售票 self-service ticketing 無繩來電顯示電話 cordless telephone with caller ID 無線應用協議 WAP ( wireless application protocol )下崗 laid-off workers 下海 plunge into the commercial sea 下網 off line 小康之家 well-off family; comfortably-off family 新秀 up-and-coming star, rising star 新新人類 New Human Being ; X Generation 信息港 inforport 形象小姐 / 先生 image representative of a proct or a brand 虛擬網 virtual net 學生處 students' affairs division 研究生畢業證 / 學位證 graate diploma/graudate degree's diploma 搖錢樹 cash cow 以人為本 people oriented; people foremost 義務教育 compulsory ecation 易拉罐 pop can 應試教育 examination-oriented ecation system 輿論導向 direction of public opinion 運球 dribble 在職博士生 on-job doctorate 早戀 puppy love 招生就業指導辦公室 enrolment and vocation guidance office 證券營業部 stock exchange; security exchange 知識產權 intellectual property rights 中專生 secondary specialized or technical school student 中流砥柱 mainstay, chief corner stone 專賣店 exclusive agency; franchised store 自我保護意識 self-protection awareness 綜合國力 comprehensive national strength 綜合業務數字網 integrated service digital network (ISDN) 總裁助理 assistant president 綜合治理 comprehensive treatment 安居工程 housing project for low-income urban residents 信息化 information-based; informationization 智力密集型 concentration of brain power; knowledge-intensive 外資企業 overseas-funded enterprises 下崗職工 laid-off workers 分流 reposition of rendant personnel 三角債 chain debts 素質教育 ecation for all-round development 豆腐渣工程 jerrybuilt projects 社會治安情況 law-and-order situation 民族國家 nation state 台獨 "independence of Taiwan" 台灣當局 Taiwan authorities 台灣同胞 Taiwan compatriots 台灣是中國領土不可分割的一部分。Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory. 西部大開發 Development of the West Regions 可持續性發展 sustainable development 風險投資 risk investment 通貨緊縮 deflation 擴大內需 to expand domestic demand 計算機輔助教學 computer-assisted instruction (CAI) 網路空間 cyberspace 虛擬現實 virtual reality 網民 netizen (net citizen) 電腦犯罪 computer crime 電子商務 the e-business 網上購物 shopping online 應試教育 exam-oriented ecation 學生減負 to rece study load
B to B (B2B) business to business B to C (B2C) business to consumer 巴黎證券交易所 Paris Bourse 把握大局 grasp the overall situation 白馬王子 Prince Charming 白色行情表 white sheet 白色農業 white agriculture (also called "white engineering agriculture"; It refers to microbiological agriculture and biological cell agriculture.) 白手起家 starting from scratch 白雪公主 Snow White 擺架子 put on airs 擺譜兒 put on airs; show off; keep up appearances 拜年 pay New Year call 搬遷戶 relocated families 半拉子工程 uncompleted project 棒球運動記者 scribe 傍大款 (of a girl) find a sugar daddy; be a mistress for a rich man; lean on a moneybags 包干到戶 work contracted to households 包干制 overall rationing system; scheme of payment partly in kind and partly in cash 包工包料 contract for labor and materials 保持國民經濟發展的良好勢頭 maintain a good momentum of growth in the national economy 保持國有股 keep the State-held shares 保健食品 health-care food 保理業務 factoring business 保稅區 the low-tax, tariff-free zone; bonded area 保證重點支出 ensure funding for priority areas 保值儲蓄 inflation-proof bank savings 報國計劃的實施 implementation of Dedicator's Project 北歐投資銀行 Nordic Investment Bank 本本主義 bookishness 《本草綱目》 Compendium of Materia Medica 本壘打 circuit clout, four-master, round trip 本命年 one's year of birth considered in relation to the 12 Terrestrial Branches 奔小康 strive for a relatively comfortable life 苯鳥先飛 A slow sparrow should make an early start. 蹦擊 bungee, bungee jumping 逼上樑山 be driven to drastic alternatives 比較經濟學 comparative economics 比上不足,比下有餘 worse off than some, better off than many; to fall short of the best, but be better than the worst 閉門羹 given cold-shoulder 邊際報酬 marginal return 邊緣科學 boundary science 變相漲價 disguised inflation 攜帶型電腦 portable computer; laptop; notebook computer 標書 bidding document.表演賽 demonstration match 剝奪冠軍 strip the gold medal of somebody 博彩(業)lottery instry 博士生 Ph.D candidate 補缺選舉 by-election 布達拉宮 Potala Palace 布雷頓森林體系 Bretton Woods system 不敗記錄 clean record, spotless record 不承諾放棄使用武器 not undertake to renounce the use of force 不打不成交 No discord, no concord. 不分上下的總統選舉結果the neck-and-neck presidential election result 《不見不散》 Be there or be square. 不可再生資源 non-renewable resources 不良貸款 non-performing loan 不夜城 sleepless city, ever-bright city 不正之風 bad (harmful) practice; unhealthy tendency 步行天橋 foot bridge
擦邊球 edge ball, touch ball 擦網球 net ball 採取高姿態 show magnanimity 菜籃子工程 shopping basket program 參政、議政 participate in the management of State affairs 滄海桑田 Seas change into mulberry fields and mulberry fields change into seas--time brings great changes to the world. What was once the sea has now changed into mulberry fields--the world is changing all the time. 倉儲式超市 stockroom-style supermarket 草根工業 grass root instry (refers to village and township enterprises which take root among farmers and grow like wold grass) 層層轉包和違法分保 multi-level contracting and illegal sub-contracting 差額投票 differential voting 差額選舉 competitive election 茶道 sado 查房 make/go the rounds of the wards 拆東牆補西牆 rob Peter to pay Paul 拆遷戶 households or units relocated e to building demolition 攙水股票 water-down stocks (ordinary stocks that can be bought by persons inside a stock company or a business at a cost lower that their face value) 禪 dhyana 產糧大省 granary province 產品結構 proct mix 產權明晰、權責明確、政企分開、科學管理 clearly established ownership, well defined power and responsibility, separation of enterprise from administration, and scientific management 產權制度、產權關系 property relations; property order 產銷直接掛鉤 directly link proction with marketing 產業的升級換代 upgrading of instries 產業結構升級 upgrading of an instrial structure 長二捆 LM-2E 長期共存、互相監督、肝膽相照、榮辱與共 long-term coexistence, mutual supervision, sincere treatment with each other and the sharing of weal or woe 長線產品 proct in excessive supply 暢通工程 "Smooth Traffic Project" 唱高調 mouth high-sounding words 超高速巨型計算機 giant ultra-high-speed computer 超前消費 overconsuming, excessive consumption 徹頭徹尾的反動政治勢力an out and out reactionary political force 城市規劃 city's landscaping plan; urban planning 城鄉信用社 credit corroborative in both urban and rural areas 吃大鍋飯 egalitarian practice of "everybody eating from the same big pot" 吃皇糧 receive salaries, subsidies, or other supported from the government 重復建設 building rendant project; plication of similar projects 抽殺成功 hit through 籌備委員會 preparatory committee 出風頭 show off;in the limelight 出口創匯能力 capacity to earn foreign exchange through exports 出口加工區 export processing zones 出口退稅制度 the system of refunding taxes on exported goods; export (tax) rebate 出口轉內銷 domestic sales of commodities originally proced for exports 出家 pravrajana; cloister 傳銷 multilevel marketing 窗口行業 various service trades 創建衛生城市:build a nationally advanced clean city 創業園 high-tech business incubator; pioneer park 吹風會 (advanced) briefing 春蕾計劃 Spring Buds Program 春運 (passenger) transport ring the Spring Festival 《春秋》 Spring and Autumn Annals 磁懸浮列車 Maglev train (magnetically levitated train), magnetic suspension train 辭舊迎新 bid farewell to the old and usher in the new; ring out the old year and ring in the new 此地無銀三百兩 A guilty person gives himself away by consciously protesting his innocence. 從粗放經濟轉變為集約經濟 shift from extensive economy to intensive economy 促進全球經濟一體化 foster integration with the global economy 存款保證金 guaranty money for deposits
"達標"活動 "target hitting" activities 打白條 issue IOU 打黑 crack down on speculation and profiteering 打假 crack down on counterfeit goods 打破僵局 break the deadlock 打順手 find one's touch, get into gear, settle into a groove 大包干 all-round responsibility system 大轟動 blockbuster 大力扣殺 hammer 大路貨 staple goods 大滿貫 grand slam 大開眼界 open one's eyes; broaden one's horizon; be an eye-opener 大款 tycoon 大排擋 sidewalk snack booth; large stall 大事化小,小事化了 try first to make their mistake sound less serious and then to rece it to nothing at all 大勝 white wash 大腕 top notch 大衛教 Branch Davidian 大型電視系列片,長篇電視連續劇 maxi-series 大學生創業 university students' innovative undertaking 大要案 major and serious criminal cases 大專生 junior college student 大專文憑 associate degree 大藏經 Tripitaka 帶薪分流 assign rendant civil servants to other jobs while allowing them to retain their original rank and benefits 待崗 await job assignment, post-waiting 待業 job-waiting 代職 function in an acting capacity 單循環制 single round-robin system 黨群關系 Party-masses relationship 黨政機關 Party and government organizations 搗漿糊 give the runaround 盜版VCD pirated VCD 盜用公款 embezzlement 單刀赴會 start a solo run 倒票 speculative reselling of tickets 倒爺 profiteer 倒計時 countdown 等外品 off-grade goods, rejects 鄧小平外交思想 Deng Xiaoping's diplomatic thoughts 低調 low keyed (a metaphor for taking a cautious and slow approach) 第二產業 secondary instry 第三產業 tertiary instry; service sector 第一發球權 first inning 第一發球員 first server 第一雙打 first pair 地方保護主義 regional protectionism 地方財政包干制 system whereby local authorities take full responsibility for their finances 地區差異 regional disparity 地熱資源 geothermal resources 地市級城市 prefecture-level city 點子公司 consultancy company 電話號碼升位 upgrade telephone number 電話會議 teleconference 電視直銷 TV home shopping 電子商務認證 e-business certification 吊球 drop shot 吊銷執照 revoke license 釘子戶 person or household who refuses to move and bargains for unreasonably high compensation when the land is requisitioned for a construction project 定向培訓 training for specific posts 豆腐渣"工程 jerry-built project 毒梟 drug trafficker 獨立核算工業企業 independent accounting unit(enterprise) "渡假外交" holiday-making diplomacy 短期債務 floating debt 斷交信 Dear John letter (from woman to man) 對沖基金 hedge fund 對外招商 attract foreign investment 隊長袖標(足球) skipper's armband 多黨合作制 multi-party co-operation in exercising State power 多任務小衛星 small multi-mission satellite (SMMS) 奪冠 take the crown
惡性通貨膨脹 hyperinflation 惡性循環 vicious circle 二板市場(創業板市場) second board on the country's stock market 二次創業 start a new undertaking 二進宮 to enter the palace a second time (people with a past criminal record again commits a crime, and is convicted and put into a correctional institution) 二流選手 scrub, second-rater
發案率 incidence (of criminal cases) 發燒友 fancier; zealot; enthusiastic fan 發展不平衡 disparate development 發展是硬道理 Development is of overriding importance. / Development is the absolute need. 法治國家 a country under the rule of law 法制國家 a state with an adequate legal system 翻兩番 quadruple 反敗為勝 bring about a complete turnabout, pull out of the fire 反不正當競爭法 Law of the People's Republic of China Against Competition by Inappropriate Means 反腐倡廉 combat corruption and build a clean government 防抱死系統 ABS (anti-lock braking system) 防洪工程 flood-prevention project 房管 real estate management 放高球 lob 放下架子 to relinquish haungty airs; to get off one's high horse; throw off one's airs 放行單 release permit 飛毛腿(導彈)Scud missile 飛行葯檢 spot check 非對稱數字用戶環路 Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop (ADSL) 費改稅 transform administrative fees into taxes 分拆上市 A subsidiary company of a corporation is listed on the stock market. 分流 reposition of rendant personnel 分期付款 installment payment 分稅制 system of tax distribution (產品)分銷 subunderwriting, distribution 粉領族 pink-collar tribe (Women who play major role in certain professions such as office workers, secretaries, models, airline hostesses, etc) 風險投資 venture capital; risk investment 瘋牛病 mad cow disease; bovine spongiform enceohalopathy (BSE) 鋒利扣殺 razor-sharp smash 封閉式基金 close-ended fund 封殺出局 force out 「封聖」 canonization of "Saints" 福利彩票 welfare lotteries 福利分房 welfare-oriented public housing distribution system 浮動工資 floating wages; fluctuating wages 扶貧 poverty alleviation 覆蓋率 coverage rate 復式住宅plex apartment; compound apartment (a type of residential housing that maximizes usable space by increasing the number of the storey building)
改制上市:An enterprise is re-organized according to modern corporate system so that it will get listed on the stock market. 感謝款待的信 a bread and butter letter (a letter sent as thanks for being treated well as someone's guest) 幹部隊伍革命化、年輕化、知識化、專業化 make the ranks of cadres more revolutionary, younger in average age, better ecated and professionally more competent 港人治港 Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong 高層次、全方位的對話 high-level and all-directional dialogue 高產優質 high yield and high quality 高度自治 high degree of autonomy 高官會 Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) 高級商務師 Certified Business Executive 高架公路 elevated highway; overhead road 高科技板塊 high-tech sector 高難度動作 stunner, stunt 高清晰度 high definition 高新技術產業開發區 high and new technology instrial development zone (公路)隔離帶 median 根本政治制度 fundamental political system 個人收入應稅申報制度 the system of the declaration of indivial incomes for tax payment 各大菜系 major styles of cooking 各盡所能let each person do his best; from each according to his ability "各就位" "On your marks!" 跟蹤審計 follow-up auditing 恭喜發財 May you be prosperous!; Wish you all the best! 功夫不負有心人 Everything comes to him who waits. 工程公司 engineering company 工商局 instrial and commercial bureau 工薪階層 salariat; state employee; salaried person 工業控制一體化integrated instrial control; instrial control of integration 工業園區 instrial park 公費醫療 medical services at state expense 公告板服務 Bulletin Board Service (BBS) 公檢法 public security organs, procuratorial organs and people's courts 公積金public accumulation funds, public reserve funds 公款吃喝 recreational activities using public funds 公司分立與解散 separation and dissolution of a company 公正、公平、公開 just, fair and open 公證財產 notarize the properties 共產黨領導下的多黨合作與政治協商 multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of Communist Party 狗仔隊dog packs; paparazzo (singular), paparazzi(plural) (It refers to those journalists who are hunting the news of celebrities.) 骨幹企業 key enterprise 股本金equity capital 關稅壁壘 customs barrier; tariff wall 光谷 optical valley 光機電一體化 optical, mechanical and electronic integration 光碟雜志 CD-ROM magazine 光通訊 photo-communication; optical communication 廣告電話直銷direct response advertising 廣域網 wide area network (WAN) 皈依三寶 become a Buddhist 國產化率 import substitution rate; localization rate of parts and components 國防動員體制 the mobilization for national defense 國際慣例 international common practice 國際日期變更線 International Date Line (IDL) 《國際先驅論壇報》 International Herald Tribune 國家經濟體制改革委員會 the State Commission for Restructuring the Economic Systems 國家普通話水平考試 National Proficiency Test of Putonghua 國家一級保護 first-grade State protection 國腳 player of the national football team; footballer of the national team 國庫券 treasury bonds 國民黨 Kuomintang 國民經濟支柱產業 pillar instries in national economy 國債專項資金 special fund for treasury bond 過度開墾 excess reclamation
海灣戰爭綜合症 the complexities of the Gulf War 函授大學 correspondence university 旱地滑雪場 mock skiing park 漢字處理軟體 Chinese character processing software 航母 aircraft carrier 豪賭 unrestrained gambling 好事不出門,惡事傳千里 Good news never goes beyond the gate, while bad news spread far and wide. 好出風頭的運動員 exhibitionist, grandstander 好萊塢大片 Hollywood blockbuster "好球" "Strike" 和服 Kimono 合理引導消費 guide rational consumption 合議庭 collegiate bench 核銷 cancel after verification 黑店 gangster inn 黑客 hacker 黑社會 Mafia-style organizations; gangland 宏觀調控 macro-control 紅包 (中)red paper containing money as a gift, (貶) bribe, kickback 《紅樓夢》A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone) 紅帽子企業 red cap enterprise (refers to the reputation a private enterprise enjoys by becoming attached to a government department and doing business in the name of a state-run or collective-run enterprise) 紅細胞生成素 Erythropoietin (EPO) 環太平洋地區 Pacific Rim 後防空虛 leave the defense exposed 呼啦圈 hu la hoop 鬍子工程 long-drawn-out project (a project which takes so long that young workers become bearded) 虎父無犬子 A wise goose never lays a tame egg. 互動廣告 interactive advertisement 戶口管理制度 domicile system, residence registration system 戶主 head of a household 護身法寶 amulet 華表 ornamental column/cloud pillar/stele 華蓋 canopy 滑板車 scooter "壞球" "Ball" 還俗 resume secular life, unfrock "黃、賭、毒" pornography, gambling and drug abuse and trafficking 黃金時段 prime time (吃)"皇糧" public grainfunds, goods, etc provided by the government; salary paid by the state 揮棒 swing 揮棒不中 fan 灰色收入 income from moonlighting 匯豐銀行 Hong Kong and Shang Hai Banking Corporation 婚介所 matrimonial agency 婚外戀 extramarital love 活到老,學到老 One is never too old to learn. 火炬計劃 Torch Program (a plan to develop new and high technology) 貨幣化 monetization 貨幣回籠 withdrawal of currency from circulation 貨到付款 cash on delivery
Ⅳ 我應聘海航的空乘兼職安全員 說是要培訓 請問培訓容易通過嗎 求高人... 在線等
Ⅵ 請問醫院里的查房用英語怎麼說啊要簡短一點的,
check sickbed
Ⅶ 查房 英語口語怎麼說
Ⅷ 2013年考主管護師要考英語和計算機嗎
Ⅸ 護士查房怎麼說 英語
Nurses' rounds
查房make the rounds of the wards;go the rounds of the wards;ward round of doctor